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  • Letter of Thanks of IMRF APRC Vice Chairman

    发表日期:2018-06-06 12:00:00    阅读次数:3497   来源:本站    字体:【

    Dear Mr Hu,


    It was a great pleasure to visit your HQ in Guangzhou last week with my colleagues from the IMRF APRC in Shanghai. I was particularly interested to hear about the work that QMCCL carries out relating to maritime SAR and salvage operations. To a mariner this is of great professional interest and hearing about some of the challenges your company has faced reminded me of my time any sea.

    Your loyal support of the IMRF was obvious and your regular donations in addition to the membership fee are much appreciated. These provide the funds for the organisation to be able to make a real difference in the future.

    You have a very enthusiastic team around you and it was a pleasure meeting them and enjoying such a nice meal in such beautiful surroundings.

    Thank you again for your kindness and support and I look forward to meeting you again in the future.


    Yours Sincerely

    Michael Vlasto

    Vice Chairman IMRF APRC

    More to follow a bit later!


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